Chocolate Labrador Retriever / Pointer / Mixed : : Female (spayed) : : Young : : Large
After such a hard life Shelly was sent up north to find a new loving home. The shelter she was sent to took good care of her and one of the workers kept her in her office...Shelly got an abscessed tooth and was taken in to the vet. Upon the completion of the blood work it was discovered she had Leukemia in advanced stages. The decision was a hard one but after consulting the University of Chicago and three independent vets it was decided to end her suffering. So surrounded by love and caring she was humanely sent to rainbow bridge...Keep wagging that tail, Shelly...happy girl. Shelly is a big girl with a bigger heart. She is always so excited to see people she wags her whole body. This girl was dumped at the pound I am sure after a life of loneliness in a kennel or backyard. She seems to have been attention deprived of attention, because she craves it so badly. She was already spayed and HW negative, but she will need some leash training and basic obedience...because she is such a BIG HAPPY girl. For more info on Shelly call the ARFline at 337-332-4756.