Parson Russell Terrier / Mixed : : Female (spayed) : : Young : : Small
This little girl's name is Maddie. She is 15 mos old and fully grown at less than 10 pounds. She has been spayed and is up to date on vaccinations. Maddie loves to play. She has lots of energy. She would like to have another dog to play with. She sometimes has a problem with other dogs. I think she is afraid of larger dogs. She likes children but I don't know about cats. Maddie is an inside dog but needs a fenced in yard to play in. She has a pet door in her foster home and uses it. She likes chew toys and sleeping in the human bed. She is crate trained. Maddie is a sweet girl and will sleep on your lap while you watch TV. If you think you can give Maddie a good home please email, Linda at